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Gunnar Wolf - Nice grey life - page 245

Showing posts 2441 – 2450

Meme, meme, meme time! / My language of mine / Driving++
So it turns out I am a big loser, a VERY big nerd and quite a weird guy. Does not really surprise me - Well, I feel happy about being that nerdy (and, yes, I answered with the truth) - How the hell did Steve, Alexander, Per-Arne and Martin make it? My hat off to you guys! (OTOH, it should not surprise me having that many über-nerds in Debian ;-) ) Isaac blogged about lack of a way of not using possessives in English, and he says that he thinks that Spanish has the same problem - In theory, yes....

Forget your keys
Amaya’s post made me remember one of the most stupid, boring, frustrating days of my existence. Yours, at least, doesn’t sound that bad. About two years ago, one Saturday morning, the Debianmexico crowd scheduled its first meeting - 10AM, some 20 minutes away from my home. As the only DD in Mexico, it was my task to prepare the material for the meeting. What was I talking about? A simple introduction on making .debs. By then, we were renting the lower half of a small house in San Pedro de los Pinos. The house split was strange: We entered through...

On my way to work, I went upstairs to grab my glasses. As I was going down, Tin Tan was drinking water from his plate on the middle-step on the stairs (you know, that step that is wider and the direction of the stairs changes). I decided not to bother him, skipping that step. Next thing I know, Tin Tan is running upstairs, quite scared, and I am heading downstairs, quite faster than what I intended. I shouldn’t skip over two steps while using my slippers - They do slip. I have problems with every movement. What bothers me more...

Missing appliances
John Goerzen comments on his quest for a good alarm clock. You want a good, geeky alarm. Whenever I am away from home, I always count on echo $LOUD_NOISE_CMD | at $WAKEUP_TIME It always works. Be it at a hotel room with my trusty old laptop, be it at home with your powerful server connected to the stereo system with your favorite punk rock music, it is guaranteed to work - and, as you request, with a nice form-factor for your computer, it is as geeky as it gets. …But you got me thinking into this: I am quite frustrated....

Back to work / News that make you shout in anger
Ok, so -effective yesterday, January 6, as we were on vacations until that precise day- I am finally hired at IIEc-UNAM (Economics Research Institute at the Mexico National Autonomous University). Life looks rosy and beautiful. Being an academic worker of a big university makes you… …Do paperwork. I spent two days preparing my workplan for this year. Then, my boss told me I used the wrong format, that I didn’t need to include the justification, only the points I intend to cover. Ok… Well, it is done now - But, as I have already worked at UNAM, I know this...

The most transparent region
In 1917, Alfonso Reyes (more info in Spanish) started his most known poem, Visión de Anáhuac (WTF… Cannot find a single online copy of the poem?!) with the following words: Viajero: has llegado a la región más transparente del aire (Traveller: You have arrived to the most transparent region of the air). This poem, of course, refered to the breathtaking view of the Anáhuac Valley, on which Mexico City grew. Yesterday I went with Nadezhda to my father’s house in Cuernavaca. This morning, as we came back (it feels quite strange to be on the road January 1st, 8AM :)...

I hate deb-slashdot...
I wanted to create a little new meme. I posted a world map with visited countries. It was nice. It was good. The meme started to spread… And then the server choked after a deb-slashdotting :-( Proxy Error The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request GET /projects/visitedcountries/. Reason: Could not connect to remote machine: Connection refused What can I say? Sorry, :-(

Is it slow? Nah, it is just December
Almost two weeks, not a single post? Well, yes, life tends to slow down for the holidays. Although I have been mostly working, at least a couple of hours every day, I have managed to do very little this last weeks. There has, though, been some activity. I have sat down to hack on Comas quite a bit. Mig has done his good share as well. I am happy about it. And we are gathering more people in the project - Comas will be used for the Bolivian Free Software Conference, for a German Perl workshop… And it seems we...

Debian T-shirts!
Just out of the oven Attachments (0 KB)

WTF is this?
Ok… If you know me, you will be perplexed to find this as my current desktop. Yes, people that know me know that I dislike integrated desktop environments. I am a very happy WindowMaker user, have been faithful to WMaker for at least seven years… But anyway, I have found myself recommending Linux to almost-average users… So I decided to force myself to use a computer as they would for a couple of days at least. I am trying to get the whole user perspective, even the settings they would use (i.e., graphical smileys in Gaim… That’s bad!), even using...

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