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Gunnar Wolf - Nice grey life - page 247

Showing posts 2461 – 2470

MD5 to be considered dangerous?
Today I found a quite disturbing mail sent to Bugtraq, in which Dan Kaminsky shortly describes a way to generate more than one file with the same MD5 hash, and links to a paper explaining it further. And if that were not enough, Pavel Machek sent another mail telling a little story and demonstrating Kaminsky’s claims with a little story about a scam. I checked the files attached to his mail, and yes, we have two similar (but different) files with the same MD5 hash: <code=”bash”>~$ md5sum /tmp/msg1 /tmp/msg2 ; diff –brief /tmp/msg1 /tmp/msg2 57ce330a6c6ca8e9ffab4f3b36b2a1a5 /tmp/msg1 57ce330a6c6ca8e9ffab4f3b36b2a1a5 /tmp/msg2 Files /tmp/msg1...

Enjoying some beer with Toxickore
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After some beers with Toxickore
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Zimri, from Monterrey
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Waiting at the hotel lobby
Javier, Tacvbo, gwolf Attachments (0 KB)

Toxickore and Odin
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Three geekettes
Sonny, Paola and Liss Attachments (0 KB)

About… ? Attachments (0 KB)

Talking about PostgreSQL
My first talk was about PostgreSQL. Thanks, alvherre, for the material! :) Attachments (0 KB)

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